RISONIC compact – Flow measurements have never been easier
RISONIC compact
Cost-efficient solution for clamp-on flow measurement
The Rittmeyer RISONIC compact provides highest precision and reliable measurements in a drift-free flow measurement solution to water supply providers. Drift-free because of the ultrasonic transit time measurement method in which Rittmeyer has been the market leader for more than 40 years.
Thanks to non-intrusive clamp-on transducers, costs for installation are low and an outage of operation of the system can be avoided. The RISONIC compact system measures and determines the path velocities and computes the flow rate and volume bi-directionally.
Installations of clamp-on transducers have never been easier. Unique mounting concepts with magnetic frames allow for either a temporary or permanent fix (by use of adhesive or stainless steel-straps). Watertight transducer covers are also available for rugged installation environments.
Further information can be found on the new product page RISONIC compact!